Sunday, September 6, 2009

A little bit of a cold

When we get the cold at our house the girls usually get if first and then I end up with it. Most of the time it passes Jeremy completely by. This last week we have had sore throats, head aches, and runny noses. Today at church Ava sneezed and had bilateral snot tube projection. It was kind of gross but how can we not laugh when it happens during the sacrament. I think I am the kind of person that procrastinates getting health care. I try not to be that way with the girls. But this morning Ava had really junkie lungs and very audible wheezing. But I got her ready for church anyway. During the sacrament meeting the girls had escaped out into the hall and I realized I was nervous for Ava to play with other kids because she was still sick. So now we are home and she is taking a nap. I plan to take her to Express Care when it opens at noon. It just seems like I need to have their ears checked on the weekends, or we need breathing treatments on the weekends, why does it always happen on the weekend?

1 comment:

Harper Family said...

Cute blog Natalie! I'm sorry that Ava is not feeling well and hope she gets better soon!
P.S. I also love to watch Project Runway! It's a good thing we don't have tv or I could watch it all day along with HGTV. Hee hee! Is it okay that I added you to our blog?